Here is a rundown of the new finds;
Nutritional Yeast - Its a source of protein and B12 vitamins, and also tastes quite delicious. I made veggie sausages and added in about half a cup of nutritional yeast. I purchased mine at Food Fight, but I bet you can find it at other stores as well
Sheese - This was one was recommended by Kiley and I must say its an awesome find. It a Vegan cheese that actually tastes like cheese. I'm told it doesn't melt too well, but I crumbled it on a salad with almonds, beans, and sun dried tomatoes - so good!
Tofutti's Better than Cream Cheese - I haven't eaten cream cheese in years because it made me feel so yucky, wish I would have discovered this earlier. Tastes just like cream cheese, but dare I say better?! Add this one to your cart, I found it at Safeway.
Garden Burger Breakfast Sausage - Really good cut up with beans, rice, vegan cheese. The sausage fills that greasy/salty meat craving I sometimes get, but its a thousand times better for you than the real thing.

Items to stay away from;
Vegan Rella - Does not equal good. The cheese melts well, but thats about all it has going for it
Gimee Lean Ground Beef, Tofurkey, etc. etc. Any meat substitute in a tube, box, etc. It's not meat, it's not even close. Use sparingly and do not focus youre whole meal around it.
i'm so impressed and shocked! i can't believe you two went vegan. I'm interested to see if you keep at it after 30 days. :) good luck!
Way to go, guys! So proud of you two. Now get over here and pick some squash and tomatoes!!!
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